Thursday 12 March 2015



     " We love people who’ve died ...
      where’s the social utility in that?
      Maybe it means more - something we
      can’t understand, yet. Maybe it’s
      some evidence, some artefact of
      higher dimensions that we can’t
      consciously perceive. Love is the
      one thing we’re capable of
      perceiving that transcends
      dimensions of time and space. Maybe
      we should trust that, even if we
      can’t yet understand it." - Interstellar 2014
With this image I wanted to represent the ideology of love and attachment.
There are a number of people in my life that I love very dearly, some more than others, such as my family and my closest mates. This image represents the idea that love has different forms and it can be expressed in various ways. By these two people holding hands being such a simple gesture, it still manages to connotes trust, bonding and affection between the two people. Holding hands could be seen as a romantic gesture, but it could also be a way of keeping someone safe. What this image means to me is how it is in our human nature to become attached to things, and to want to be loved and cared for. Like the bond a mother has with her child, love is powerful.

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