Sunday 22 February 2015

Minnie Me

This is an image of a Minnie Mouse teddy bear, taken in my 5 year old niece's room
What I am representing through this image is the merging of my childhood into my niece's and how I can relate to her being a baby girl.
What this image means to me is a reminder of me being a small child, being fascinated by cartoons and keeping my teddy bears with me at all times. It makes me reminisce about being young with no responsibilities or exams, and even feel like I want to go back to being her age sometimes. By this being one of my niece's favourite cartoons characters now, It allows us to have childhood similarities as Minnie Mouse existed when I was her age too. This image also educates me of the constantly developing world of technology, as my niece's name is engraved on the teddy's foot whereas when I was her age; I didn't have that privilege.

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