Friday 27 February 2015

Two Dogs and a Plane

This is a mid-shot image of two dog statues, and a plane. This is something I see fairly regularly, in the back garden area of my college. I find these statues to be unique and interesting as I have never seen something like it elsewhere. The gesture of the dogs suggest they are guarding the area, and their facial expressions looking in the distance. By the plane being caught in the distance, I thought it would be a good way to represent nature and man-made objects together. This is as the statues are man-made objects of an animal, and the plane in the sky is also a man made object containing humans.

MK on my Birthday

This is an image of my watch and handbag, both of the same name brand 'Michael Kors' .
This is a close-up shot image taken from a high angle. What I am representing through this image is two of my favourite birthday gifts and of my most prized possessions. These items mean a lot to me because they were gifts I had been wanting for a very long time, and was very happy when I received it. It also reminds me of the type of privileges I have, and how hard my mum works to be able to buy me these nice things. The focus of this image is the writing on the watch, which is why the handbag is blurred out below.

The Oldest Tree at Sfx

This is an image of a leafless tree, in my college Sfx's back garden . 
This is a wide-shot image taken from an eye level angle. What I am representing through this image is a tree which has lost all it leaves, but is still strong and significant. I feel this represents me to an extent as a young girl going through life. This is because when things fall apart, (such as the leaves), in order to survive you have to be strong and keep going despite life's trials and tribulations (seasons change). This is also an area which I am very familiar with in college, somewhere I pass through sometimes to switch lessons. 

Creams Dessert

This is an image of one of my favourite desserts , in a restaurant called 'Creams' . This is a close-up image taken from an high angle. What I am representing through this image is somewhere I enjoy going to eat, and the type of treats I like to give myself. This image also represents a place I go to spend time with my friends, to have bonding time and gossip. The iconography presented in this image are the plates of dessert, as it portrays the ideology of socialising.

My College, Sfx

This is an image of the entrance to my college, Sfx, which is located in Clapham South. This is a long-shot image taken from a low angle. What I am representing through this image is the college I will be attending for 2 years, which is a dominant part of my daily routine. What this image means to me is: my source of education, where I have made new friends and where I have been developing knowledge in my chosen subjects. This image also represents a family-like community, as the feet of people coming and leaving the building, connotes that there are people of different race, gender, personalities and ethnicity at Sfx. But despite this, all people who go to sfx are there for more or less the same reason, to learn and succeed. 

Table for 4, Right This Way..

This is an image of the canteen area in my college , where I usually sit and eat. 
This is a wide-shot image taken from an high angle. What I am representing through this image is an area which I regularly sit in to eat my lunch in college. I am also representing how and where students can socialise and make friends in college, somewhere students can let off steam and enjoy themselves. What this image means to me is where my friends and I spend a lot of social time and our break from our lessons.The iconography presented in this image is the seats on each side of the table as it is where people would sit, and seeing as it is empty, it allows you to imagine social interaction.

Coffee Anyone?

This is an image of the Starbucks board in the canteen area, at my college Sfx.
This is a wide -shot image taken from a low angle. What I am representing through this image is the official Starbucks area in our canteen, where us Sfx students are able to purchase Starbucks refreshments. This is an area which I am very familiar with in college, as I regularly buy Starbucks Frappuccino whenever I am on a break from lessons. I am also representing Starbucks to be something my friends and many other students enjoy buying, hence why the camera angle has given it an superior look. I chose this angle to signify the importance and popularity of Starbucks in my college, and it being a privilege to us.  The iconography presented in this image is the logo on the board which says 'We proudly serve'. 

Thursday 26 February 2015

Riverside Gymnasium

This is an image of the outside of the 'Royal Arsenal Gym', located in Woolwich Arsenal. 
This is a wide-shot image taken from an eye level angle. What I am representing through this image is a gym in Woolwich Arsenal, and how it's building contrasts with my local gym's building. This gym building catches my attention, as the writing on the building is very bold and it represents one of my hobbiesI enjoy going to the gym,and I admire the type of community royal arsenal/Woolwich arsenal is. This is also, the gym my sister uses regularly as she lives very near it, so I walk past this facility fairly regularly. 

Sunday 22 February 2015

Burj Al Arab

This is an image I took of the 7 star hotel 'Burj Al Arab' across the beach, during my holiday in Dubai with my mother. This is a long-shot image taken from an eye angle. What I am representing through this image is the beauty of Dubai and being able to explore it with my family; which was new and exciting for me. What this image means to me is how successful I want to be, so I am able to stay at a 7 star hotel like this and not only take a image of it. The iconography represented in this image is the 'Burj Al Arab' hotel building. This is because although it is further back in the photo, its unique shape and height catches your attention; making it the main focus of the image.

Laughing Is The Best Medicine

This is an image of my sister's living room, somewhere that I visit very often. This is a mid-shot image taken from an eye angle. What I am representing through this image is the style of my sisters living room and a place where me and my sisters spend a lot of bonding time. What this image means to me is one of the ideologies I believe in which is to spread positivity. Seeing this on her wall every time I enter her living  room reminds me to be positive and of family love. I think it is very pretty too, and I actually intend on having something similar in my own home one day. It's definitely the little things that count to me, so gentle reminders like this mean a lot to remind me of the bright side of life.

Minnie Me

This is an image of a Minnie Mouse teddy bear, taken in my 5 year old niece's room
What I am representing through this image is the merging of my childhood into my niece's and how I can relate to her being a baby girl.
What this image means to me is a reminder of me being a small child, being fascinated by cartoons and keeping my teddy bears with me at all times. It makes me reminisce about being young with no responsibilities or exams, and even feel like I want to go back to being her age sometimes. By this being one of my niece's favourite cartoons characters now, It allows us to have childhood similarities as Minnie Mouse existed when I was her age too. This image also educates me of the constantly developing world of technology, as my niece's name is engraved on the teddy's foot whereas when I was her age; I didn't have that privilege.

Who Doesn't Love Bansky

Banksy. Ever heard of him?
This is an image of a Banksy Painting near my home in Brixton. What I am representing through this image is something new which has been added to my community, and how it catches my attention every time I walk past it. What this image means to me is the route I religiously take in order for me to get to my local gym. As I have been a fan of Banksy's work prior to this, I am highly interested in the idea of him coming to my area to do a painting. I really like this piece of artwork as I feel it gives the Brixton area an artistic feel, of love and happiness.

Where My Friend Lives

This is 'Albertina House' which is a estate in my neighbourhood. 
 I have used black and white filter in this image to create the idea of aging in this photo and something old. This is because I have passed this building almost every single day of my life, for the past decade. The filter allows you to notice details in the photo, such as the stains on the building which also portrays the oldness of the building. What I am representing through this image is where one my friends I have known my whole childhood lives. What this image means to me is the area I have grown up in, and the style of houses that were built in my area a long time ago. 


This is an image I took when I went to Heathrow underground station.
This is a close-up image taken from an eye-level angle. What I am representing through this image is what daily travel derive I use to get to place I need to go to such as school, home, relatives homes or simple shopping trips. This is also the the UK underground service symbol which i am very familiar with, and anyone who lives in the Uk would be too.  What this image means to me is how I am able to get to certain places around London quickly and also how I see new people everyday of different race and ethnicity . From personally travelling on public service, I have also learn things about people in general and seen contrast in moods and behaviour of random people.

Saatchi Gallery

This is an image I took whilst visiting the Saatchi Gallery.
This is a photo I took of red statues of Mickey Mouse and two men, from an eye-level angle. What I am representing through this image is my trip to the gallery and some of the art there that I enjoyed seeing. I like going to museums and art galleries in my spare time, this gallery being my favourite I have visited to date. What this image means to me is how art can be presented in different ways and through different ideas. The iconography presented in this image is the red statues as the colour is so strong it demands attention.

Colourful Sidewalk

This is an image of nature.
This is a photo I took of flowers and plant on a sidewalk that I use often. What I am representing through this image is a form of nature, and how decorative it can 'naturally' be. What this image means to me is how the colours of the flowers caught my attention as my favourite colour is purple, but also how vibrant and multi-coloured nature can be. This photo also represents one of my favourite areas to be in, which is Greenwich. I like the area Greenwich because it has a lot of nice parks to visit, especially in the summer time when you can enjoy it most. The iconography presented in this image is the row of flowers which have a sequence of colours. This is because it looks well organised and appealing.

Friday 6 February 2015

A Level Literature

This is an image of in-class analysis of war poetry, by Rupert Brooke. What I am representing through this image is my A level English Literature lesson and one of the activities we do to gather knowledge about a text. What this image means to me is the subject I like to study the most, something I have been interested in since secondary school. I have always had a deep interest in studying English literature, learning how to decode text to find good understanding of its meaning. Since I like to write poems, this image represents who I am by showing what I educationally take pride in the most.


This is an image of a Muslim book, which explains parts of the Quran. This image has been taken from a high angle and is a close up photo. What I am representing in this image is my religion and beliefs. This is important to me as it is what keeps me humble and hopeful and it is personal. The iconography in this photo is the book, because it is the main focus of the image and it is being held up by someone to read. This suggests the person reading it is accepting the ideology of the Quran, and is most likely to be Muslim. 


This is an image of my pen and paper that I use to write poems and ideas or notes. It was taken from an eye angle and is a wide-shot image. This is important to me as it is something I have enjoyed doing all my life. What I am representing is something I take pride in doing and is apart of my personality. The iconography presented in this image is the paper and pen's on the table, which connotes group work, studying and writing. The location of this image is in London and the setting is in my English classroom.